Moving still forward …

My Friend, I am once again moving forward with our tasks. This gladdens my heart as it brings me closer to completion of this long and arduous duty. On the other hand, there is much to be discussed when I return. This task was not meant to take so long, so many obstacles have been […]

My Latest News.

My Friend I trust you are well and my letters have reached you in a timely manner. The tasks in the Fireheart lands have finally been seen to completion and I am happy to say I walked out there in the early morning hours 3 days past. The spirits there seem to be in pain. […]

News from Fireheart Rise

My Friend, As I write this my frustration builds, for I have not been able to complete my task. I have traveled so far into this inhospitable country, by Wolf how does any creature survive here, and now I must trek further afield yet again for the contact I was to communicate with has been […]

The Journey Continues …

Dear Friend, I finally have the opportunity to pen a missive to you, and good fortune has provided me with an acquaintance who is prepared to go a little out of her way to carry it to you. My task is progressing well. It’s now time to move onto the next and hopefully, the final […]

My Dear Friend

My dear friend,    I thought it timely to write to you, it’s been such a long time since we talked, and I miss your company. Mostly, however, I thought you may have been unduly troubled by the recent attacks in Lions’ Arch and I’d hope to reassure you that although much damage has befallen […]